Purity Culture Recovery

Did you know that some people who grew up in purity culture have symptoms that are similar to people who experienced childhood sexual abuse? The impact of a sexually shaming culture can be subtle, but leave deep wounds. This group focuses on the process of leaving purity culture in order to reclaim our bodies and heal from sexual shame and trauma. We are open to people from all genders and religious backgrounds. You may reside in Illinois or any PsyPact state. This will be a process focused, virtual group that runs for for approximately 10 weeks.


TBD - new group cycle to begin soon.






This group is for adults wanting to explore their relationship with food, increase connection and kindness toward their body, and gain support in doing so. It is not an Eating Disorder Group, in that it is a broader scope as clients do not have to meet criteria for an eating disorder nor is it recovery-based. Clients who might be a good fit are those who have complicated relationships with food, want to improve their body image, and want to explore how food and body image was modeled or spoken about in their family. There will be some structured information about Intuitive Eating, diet culture, and HAES (Health At Every Size), but it will primarily be discussion-oriented.

Max group size of 8 participants. BCBS PPO accepted, or out of pocket $80/session.


TBD - new group cycle to begin soon.


Group will primarily meet virtually, with the possibility of a few in-person meetings.


Abby Carlson: abby@agavechicago.com or 872.242.8395

Rachel Brody: rachel.brody@agavechicago.com or 312.569.9663

Intuitive Eating and Embodiment